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Contact Me

If you want to get in touch to discuss hiring me as keynote speaker, workshop facilitator, consultant or media contributor -- or for any other reason! -- then please use the e-mail address lower down this page. You can find a list of some of my recent clients here and a list of recent keynote titles here.

I am sorry that the below address is not clickable, but that is only to prevent it from being picked up by too many pesky little web crawlers whose sole mission in life is to send me spam. OK, so we may well in future have to give the descendants of these little artificial intelligences legal rights of citizenship. But until that time I don't think we owe them any favours.

You can also contact me via YouTube , LinkedIn or Twitter.

Please note that this site is written entirely by myself, that it is not a blog, and that there are no possibilities whatsoever to publish SEO or other articles or posts on this site. Nor are there any opportunties to advertise on this site or to embed SEO link. All e-mails related to the same (and I get a great many of them) will be deleted.

With Best Wishes,

Christopher Barnatt.

Cyan Earth
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